Thursday, March 26, 2015

Had to post this link.  Wonderful article about leos, but specifically female leos.  Only someone with first hand knowledge of us intimately could have written such an article.  Kudos to the author.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love."

Leo Buscaglia

No one knows how to love better than a lioness.

Definition of a "Strong Woman"

Monday, March 23, 2015

It is the instinct of our inner lion or lioness. We are rulers. We "hunt"and we"kill" - but only what we need to survive. We show mercy to those who are powerless and innocent. And we mete justice to those who would hurt the innocent or those we love. We love truth and hate what is dishonest or corrupt. These are the things we have in common with the beast. These are the things that are best in us. They are what make us loved. They are the things that make us feared. It is what makes us the most dangerous of creatures.
Lioness Love on Blogger is an extension of my Facebook page, Lioness Love.

I'm getting quite a following now, and I thought it time to turn this into more of a 'blog'.  I knew it was time when I saw my thoughts being plagiarized.  So, my main postings will be in blog form. And the meme's I create will be shielded from copy.  You are welcome to share, but not to copy and remove my creative mark or copyright. You may also not sell or use my meme's for profit making activities without my permission as the author.  I retain all rights to my creative works under U.S. copyright law. Where I have incorporated others works into my meme's I will cite the sources.

Please note, "Rule or be ruled" is a trademark copyrighted under U.S. law.

First Entry - Welcome to Lioness Love Blog